
Blog Archive

Telehealth vs. In-Person Care: Finding the Right Fit for Your Mental Wellness Journey

Mar 08, 2024

Alpine Psychiatry offers both tele-psychiatry & in-person care for mental health. Choose the option that best suits you - convenience of online appointments or in-person connection. No waitlist for either!
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The Brain Boost: How Exercise Benefits Your Cognitive Health

Mar 08, 2024

At Alpine Psychiatry, we understand the profound impact of physical activity on cognitive health. Our philosophy centers around holistic care, treating you as a whole person – not just a diagnosis.
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Alpine Psychiatry: Navigating the Nuances of Mental Health Treatment and Psychiatric Medication

Mar 08, 2024

At Alpine Psychiatry, we believe in evidence-based, yet individualized, approaches to mental health care. Our psychiatric team understand that no single treatment fits all, and we prioritize exploring all options with an objective lens.
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Alpine Psychiatry: Navigating the Upper Limits of Stimulant Doses for Adult ADHD

Mar 08, 2024

Alpine Psych: Personalized ADHD care. We combine research & your needs for optimal treatment, minimizing side effects.
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SSRI Treatment in Young People: Weighing the Benefits and Risks of Medication for Depression and Anx

Mar 08, 2024

A recent article in Lancet Psychiatry delved into the complexities of using Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) to treat depression and anxiety in young people.
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